Hello! My name is Olivia, and I am a young woman born and raised in Sandpoint, Idaho. In 2021, I moved to Montana to pursue a degree in environmental science. I’m currently living in Bozeman, Montana, studying, bartending, playing music, and enjoying myself! I’ve worn many hats - creator of Beerings, international student, river guide, skier, singer in a band. I love music of all kinds, especially bluegrass and house. I am interested in water - how it functions, its different forms (snow!), and what I can learn from its fluidity and its changing state. I want to work with water conservation and protection. I’ll find, or most likely create, a career that melds all my passions in an unconventional way. I am a joyful person and I love making others laugh. I hope that you can get to know me and vice versa!

The Who

The idea started over a conversation with a dear friend. I wanted a space where I could share my thoughts, my art, my words, and sell my jewelry. I didn’t like the idea of doing that on Instagram, where consuming information outweighs the creative process, at least for me. So, I created a space that functions as an extension of my brain and helps me compartmentalize my creative processes.

The Why

I wanted to work on articulating myself better, so I started writing.

I wanted to share my art, so I made earrings.

I want to tell the story of my travels, so I created a short film.

I wanted to find a way to meld my passions for human connection and the outdoor world, so I made this website.

All of these processes put me in the flow state. They give me a unique perspective to tackle the challenges facing me.

I urge you to think of what things in your life put YOU in the flow state and pay attention to what comes up.

Thanks for being here.

